Archive | May, 2012

Story Updates

30 May

I’ve been pretty busy for this month; but here are some brief updates:

After The Darkness: Episode 2

The second episode in this science fiction series is done! Yay! It’s now in the editing phase and will be online by June 11th. I am so sorry for the delay!





The Shelter

The short story “The Shelter” is now available on Nook in addition to Kindle. You can also read a long excerpt at Wattpad.  The follow-up novel is coming along quite well and we’re on target for a Fall publication date.


Tag I’m It! 7 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me

12 May

I want to first thank Kat Morrisey for tagging me on her blog. Sorry it took me so long to post a response. I’ve been so busy writing I’ve had very little time for blogging. All of my posts this month will be part of the Blog Me Maybe Fest created by Tracey NeitherCott. This is my first time ever participating in a blogfest so… here we go, seven things you probably don’t know about me:

Photo by Jeltovski

1. I’m vegetarian. I’ve been vegetarian for over 15 years. I still eat eggs and cheese and I don’t plan on giving it up anytime soon. While I’m vegetarian I have yet to create a character that didn’t eat meat. A matter of fact, Sunni Brown, the protagonist in my book “The Shelter” absolutely loves chicken, especially the fried variety.

Photo by Calrita

2. I’m an avid roleplayer.  That basically means I create fictional stories in a communal fashion with some wonderful folks in Second Life and I’ve been doing that for the past two years. I have met some the most talented writers in my Second Life roleplay community.

3. SunHi Mistwalker is a pseudonym, as in pen name.  Nope I wasn’t born SunHi Mistwalker; but I think it’s an absolutely cool name so I’m sticking with it for now. SunHi means “one who brings happiness and good into the lives of others.” Mistwalker? Well, I don’t think Mistwalker has any specific meaning so I’m just going to say that it means “one who performs extraordinary feats” :p .

Photo by Jppi

4. I also write satire and historical fiction. My screenplay set during the early 19th century won two awards; but was never produced. While it’s true that some of my most recent work is quite gritty, I can also write comedy — and I’m good at it.

5. I make my living writing nonfiction. I work as a ghostwriter full-time writing blogs, articles, books and just about anything else that other people don’t have the skill or time to write. People hire me because I can write just about anything — really anything.  I’ve written for attorneys, real estate gurus, fashionistas, dating experts, motivational speakers and academics. I’m really good at mimicry and can copy anyone’s writing voice.

6. I’ve been writing professionally since I was fourteen years old. I first discovered I wanted to write when I was eight years old; but I didn’t enter into my first official writing apprenticeship until I was fourteen.  The first time I realized the true power of words was when I was running for Class Treasurer of my eighth grade class. The girl running against me was popular and everyone vowed to vote for her. My campaign posters were defaced by my opponent’s supporters and I was even threatened by classmates who thought I should drop out of the race. The day of the election all of the candidates were required to give a speech. When I stepped before the class to speak I was booed and mocked. But by the time I was halfway through my speech people were cheering. My speech won me the election and left my opponent in tears.  Side Note: If this kiddie election sounds harsh, try to put it into context. I grew up in Chicago, a place where politics kill…literally.

Photo by Aconant

7. I speak French. I’ve been studying French for the past eight years. While I don’t speak fluently (like a native speaker), I speak well enough to carry on long rambling conversations about just about any subject. I spent a year living in Paris where I made a lot of progress in my French language skills.

Well, that’s it about me. If you want to join my mailing list to find out about my upcoming books, events and free giveaways, please join my mailing list.  Also, check out my books:

The Shelter (A Short Story)

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