Archive | February, 2015

Emerging From The Chaos

1 Feb

I apologize for being one day late with my update. My life has been chaotic. First there was my surgery, then there was the 71% rent increase (that’s not a typo) that turned my life upside down and forced me to move. For those of you who don’t know, I live in Seattle, been here for 4 years and life is getting EXPENSIVE. Property values have shot through the roof and it’s hard for a lowly paid writer like me to live. The good news is that I found a home at the last minute that’s within my budget.  But going through all of this chaos has delayed everything on the writing side of things. However, I do have a release date for the sequel to New Hope City. I will release the second book by Fall 2015. It may come earlier, but I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep. I KNOW I can get this book released by the Fall, so that’s the date I’m going with. Thank you all for your support and patience!