Tag Archives: post-apocalypse

Free Fiction: New Hope City (Book #2) Excerpt

15 Sep

I’ve been hard at work on the sequel to New Hope City. It’s been tough, but I think it’s going to be one of my best works to date. Here’s a tiny excerpt of the new novel. Enjoy! Also, if you haven’t left a review for New Hope City, please do so now. Thank you so much!

New Hope City – Book #2 (Excerpt)

Sliding my blade across the Captain’s throat would be the sweetest thing I ever done. Does that make me evil, Tony?

Sunni looks out from the rooftop at the dusty, sundrenched city two stories below as she talks to Tony. She tries to remember his face—calm and confident, not the death mask he wore as he bled to death in the trunk of Carlos’ car.

New Hope’s a lot worse off with you not in it. Squatters and campers got this side of town bursting at the seams and everybody’s still scared of the Captain.

A siren whines in the distance then it fades. Just below Sunni’s perch on the roof, a wild-haired man wields a machete. He spews a stream of epithets at a group of laughing teens who mock him. Nothing to see here, the same it’s been for the past four years and probably longer than that.

I didn’t keep my promise like I said I would. Every day I keep telling myself that I’m going to make them pay for what they did to you…to me…but…I never do. I keep dreaming and planning and pretending, but I never do nothing. Maybe I’m still the scared little girl you took in years ago.

Sunni closes her eyes and tries to imagine what it was like before the whole fucking world went to hell. But she can’t see it. She can’t imagine anything different from what she’s been seeing most of her life. Fuck it. She opens her eyes and takes it all in, the crazed machete wielding man, the angry, fucked up teens out to steal, rape and get high, the hundred or so tents and shacks in the dirt field across the street. This is the way the world is—fucked up and dog eat dog.

The trademark rumble of Danny’s rusted, blue pickup drowns out the noise of the encampment. He’s just a half block away but driving dangerously fast down the crumbled road. His front tire rams hard into the golf ball sized pothole as he comes to a stop just beneath Sunni’s spot on the roof.

“Sunni,” he yells out as he jumps out of the truck and makes his way to the bed.

Sunni comes to the edge of the roof and peers over it. A teenage girl’s laying in the trunk’s open bed, her navy blue school uniform, soiled black and brown with dirt, her limbs sprawled into a wild arrangement, her hair littered with stiff, red and orange leaves, and her face bruised but strangely peaceful.

“This one’s alive,” Danny calls out.

Alive? That snaps Sunni out of her dazed fascination with what she thought was a corpse. But it’s not a corpse, it’s a real living being. She rushes down the roof’s access stairs past the cluster of small, makeshift apartments on the second floor and down to the dark, dingy bar on the main level. The bar patrons’ demands for answers are ignored as she pulls a small cooler from the shelf beneath the register. Four glass canisters filled with clear liquid sit in a pool of melting ice, she grabs one of them, and then she gets a syringe from the wooden box on the shelf.


The sequel to New Hope City is scheduled for release in 2015. To be notified of when it’s released please signup for the mailing list.

SunHi Mistwalker writes fiction set in dystopian and post-apocalyptic worlds. Her new novel New Hope City, a dark coming-of-age story set in a post-apocalyptic America, follows the life of Sunni Brown, a teenage girl exploited by sex traffickers who tries to get a fresh start when she meets a disillusioned cop. She is also the author of the science fiction series After The Darkness. Please sign up for the mailing list for receive updates, freebies and special discounts. You can also follow SunHi on Twitter and Facebook.

Post-Apocalyptic Fashion For A Disgusting Violent Planet – WTF?

13 Sep

Okay, I’ve got to give it to people in the fashion world, they KNOW how to make a statement.   Watch this video:

At 1:43, this guy, I don’t know if he’s the designer or not, but he says, “This new style is about surviving in a violent, disgusting planet.” Cue the video footage of super skinny, super hot models parading around a stage, dressed in fashionably–I don’t even know how to describe these clothes, I mean these people have got like huge–I mean HUGE glass/plastic spheres around their necks and their hands are like protruding through the holes in the sphere, locked in place with padlocks. I mean what the f*** (I’m trying to stop cussing) — I just couldn’t help but nearly fall over laughing. This guy is as French as they come. You can almost envision him sitting in some Parisian cafe chain smoking and he’s talking about surviving a violent, disgusting planet as if he has ever faced TRUE violence. I’m not mad at this guy, I just couldn’t take him seriously. But that’s not all. He goes on and says: “Fashion should express this opposition to the future. We don’t want this future…” You know, I don’t want this future either. I don’t want this violent, disgusting PRESENT either, but I serious don’t that anyone will wear these clothes and think “I am opposing the future.” Uhm, yeah…I just don’t.

SunHi Mistwalker writes fiction set in dystopian and post-apocalyptic worlds. Her new novel New Hope City, a dark coming-of-age story set in a post-apocalyptic America, follows the life of Sunni Brown, a teenage girl exploited by sex traffickers who tries to get a fresh start when she meets a disillusioned cop. She is also the author of the science fiction series After The Darkness. Please sign up for the mailing list for receive updates, freebies and special discounts. You can also follow SunHi on Twitter and Facebook.


5 Signs That Your City Is Becoming A Post-Apocalyptic Hell Zone

31 Jul

As much as most of us won’t admit it, the financial and social well-being of America is on the decline in many cities. That’s why you must immediately recognize the signs that the little cute dystopia you call home may be turning into a real life post-apocalyptic hell zone.

Sign #1 – You have two bachelor’s degrees, one master’s degree, an IQ of 200 and you’re a card carrying member of Mensa and you still can’t find a job. Even most dystopias need to hire someone to pull the torture lever when interrogating members of the resistance. So, if you can’t find work, you’re probably living in a post-apocalyptic hell zone.

Sign #2 – You’re the only living soul in a 20 mile radius and you don’t live in rural America. If you find that all your neighbors have moved away and left their houses to rot and become infested with rats and vicious criminals, then your city has definitely moved from a sweet dystopia filled with romance and good feelings to a full out apocalyptic nightmare.

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Sign #3 – You’ve gone to great lengths to make your home appear to be filled with an extended family of 30, plus a vicious dog when in reality it’s just you, your elderly mom and a three-legged mutt named Tiger. If you find yourself working overtime to give the appearance that someone is home by running lights, TV’s, radios, and random sounds streamed from your laptop because you fear that someone will strip your home right down to the frame while you’re on the street collecting scrap metal, then you probably live in a post-apocalyptic city.

Sign #4 – You’re dodging bullets on your way to the mailbox. If you’re always looking over your shoulder for fear that someone is following you, or if you’re wearing a bulletproof vest anytime you go to the bank, then your city is probably a post-apocalyptic hell hole.

Sign #5 – Even the postman won’t deliver your mail. The American postal system promises to deliver mail rain or shine, even in the event of a nuclear holocaust. So, if your postman hasn’t shown up to deliver your mail in years, you’re definitely trapped in a post-apocalyptic city.

Post-apocalyptic cities like the one in my novel New Hope City don’t get that way overnight. They get there over a long period of time. It’s like a cancer eating away at the fabric of the society, day by day. If you’re smart you’ll recognize the signs and get out while you still can. Do you live in a post-apocalyptic city? If so, share your experiences and/or photos, if you dare.

SunHi Mistwalker writes fiction set in dystopian and post-apocalyptic worlds. Her new novel New Hope City, a dark coming-of-age story set in a post-apocalyptic America, follows the life of Sunni Brown, a teenage girl exploited by sex traffickers who tries to get a fresh start when she meets a disillusioned cop. She is also the author of the science fiction series After The Darkness. Please sign up for the mailing list for receive updates, freebies and special discounts. You can also follow SunHi on Twitter and Facebook.

The Dark Side of Biotechnology: When Your Perceptions Are Not Your Own

24 Jun

Biotechnology, oooh that’s a really big word, right? Well, biotech is all around us, hybrid veggies (also known as Frankenstein food) and the medicine we use such as vaccines are all biotech, and some people would say they’ve added to our world in a positive way. Well, I got to thinking—dangerous stuff there. What if biotechnology went a few steps further, not just changing our food and battling the diseases that ail us, but what if it went so far as to control the way we see the world? If you think about it, right now our perceptions are already being shaped by what we read, what we watch, and what we listen to. And while we don’t typically view our interactions with television, radio, and the internet as biotechnological, the reality is that in a way it could be seen that way.

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TV-Internet-Radio Humanoid

When you flick on your television, radio or the internet, you’re interacting with technology, a machine designed to beam ideas, images, and sound into your conscious and subconscious. This is just a thought, but I would say that in some way this is a biotechnological interaction. Stay with me here—once you have accepted the input (ideas, images and sound) you become transformed. You are no longer the same person. You no longer have the same thoughts as before. You may even see the world differently. Have you ever watched the news and felt afraid? Have you ever read an article on the internet and immediately called a government official to complain about the issue discussed? If so, would you say that the way in which the tech is used, be it TV, radio, or internet, somehow influenced your perceptions and caused you to take a certain course of action? I fully understand that the standard definition of biotechnology doesn’t really apply to my example above, not in the strictest sense, but that’s just because the people making these definitions aren’t me. Ha!

But let’s take a look at the definition of biotechnology: the use of living systems and organisms to develop or make useful products, or “any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.”

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While TV-internet-radio tech isn’t directly tied into living organisms, I suspect that this may be the next step in our future. And I believe the product to be produced would be a fully controlled human being, someone who believes they are making decisions on their own and seeing the world their own way, but whose perceptions are completely controlled. For the past six months, I’ve been working on a novel that explores the future of biotechnology and how it may evolve to completely control our perceptions. Join the mailing list to get notified of when it’s done, to receive free excerpts from the story and updates about my other books.

Check out some of our most popular blog posts:

What Post-Apocalyptic Societies Really Look Like

Will Women Become Slaves In A Post-Apocalyptic World?

Surviving The Apocalypse When You’re A Girl

SunHi Mistwalker writes fiction set in dystopian and post-apocalyptic worlds. Her new novel New Hope City, a dark coming-of-age story set in a post-apocalyptic America, follows the life of Sunni Brown, a teenage girl exploited by sex traffickers who tries to get a fresh start when she meets a disillusioned cop. She is also the author of the science fiction series After The Darkness. Please sign up for the mailing list for receive updates, freebies and special discounts. You can also follow SunHi on Twitter and Facebook.

What You Need To Become A Post-Apocalyptic Leader

2 Jun

Today’s leaders are usually well-spoken and stylistically dressed, but that’s not going to hack it for an apocalyptic leader. You’ll need more than good looks and pretty words if you want to survive and thrive during the apocalypse. Let’s take a look at a few things you’ll need to be a post-apocalyptic leader of men and women:

Strength, Tenacity and Ruthlessness

The recent abdication of the King of Spain to his son Prince Felipe is getting a lot of attention. The 46 year old is handsome, well-dressed and well-positioned in the highest echelons of society. You would think he would qualify as a post-apocalyptic leader. But the truth is that I don’t think this guy could survive the apocalypse for more than an hour. Do you? During the apocalypse there will be a lot of abdication and coup d’états but these men won’t be replaced by their soft-spoken heirs; they’ll most likely be thrown out of their palaces by the strongest and most ruthless people from the streets. Leaders of the apocalypse will by their nature be bold survivors unwilling to follow the powerbrokers of a bygone age, they’ll be making their own rules and building their own royal courts on the graves of their enemies.

Loyal Subjects and Minions

Forget your fantasies of lone wolf heroics. That’s just not going to happen during the apocalypse. If you want to lead a post-apocalyptic society, you’ll need a legion of loyal subjects, minions and strongmen. Did I mention the loyal part? You don’t want to get the old knife in the back (or the poison in your drink) right before you enjoy the spoils of all your hard work. So, pick your followers carefully and make sure you pay them well during the apocalypse.

A Shrewd and Ferocious Partner

Today’s leaders marry movie stars, models and other soft folks. But if you want to survive as a leader in a post-apocalyptic society, you’ll need to marry someone with a heart of stone (steel’s even better). Let’s take a look at what you should and shouldn’t do. Prince Felipe married this lovely TV star:

A pretty wife.You DO NOT want to do that. The marauders and enemies will devour this type of spouse in one big bite. Instead, marry someone like this:



Or this:


You see what I mean? You need a partner who can scare off your enemies just with their face.

As you prepare yourself for leadership during the apocalypse, remember, that “Men are of no importance. What counts is who commands.” –Charles De Gaulle.

SunHi Mistwalker writes fiction set in dystopian and post-apocalyptic worlds. Her new novel New Hope City, a dark coming-of-age story set in a post-apocalyptic America, follows the life of Sunni Brown, a teenage girl exploited by sex traffickers who tries to get a fresh start when she meets a disillusioned cop. She is also the author of the science fiction series After The Darkness. Please sign up for the mailing list for receive updates, freebies and special discounts. You can also follow SunHi on Twitter and Facebook.

After The Darkness: Omnibus Published

15 May

After The Darkness: Omnibus is published. This collection includes all six episodes from the first season and is $4.99.

Outlets: Amazon, Nook, Kobo, Smashwords, Apple (more coming soon)


Giveaway Winners

If you’re a LibraryThing reader who won a giveaway copy of After The Darkness: Episode Three, I will send you a Smashwords coupon by Monday, May 19, 2014.

SunHi Mistwalker writes fiction set in dystopian and post-apocalyptic worlds. Her new novel New Hope City, a dark coming-of-age story set in a post-apocalyptic America, follows the life of Sunni Brown, a teenage girl exploited by sex traffickers who tries to get a fresh start when she meets a disillusioned cop. She is also the author of the science fiction series After The Darkness. Please sign up for the mailing list for receive updates, freebies and special discounts. You can also follow SunHi on Twitter and Facebook.

After The Darkness: Episode Six Published

4 May

New After The Darkness Episode Published

After The Darkness: Episode Six is finally published and available at Amazon, Nook and Smashwords.

Please visit http://sunhimistwalker.com/books/after-the-darkness-series/ to get your copy.

In the next week Episode Six should also be available at Apple and Kobo. I am currently working with Google Play to resolve issues surrounding
the failure to display episodes. But once that’s resolved Episode Six will also be available on Google Play.

New Hope City Sequel

For those of you waiting for the sequel to New Hope City, I’m working on it. I’m aiming to release the new book by the end of 2014. There are also other books coming out in 2014, so stay tuned.

Giveaway Winners

If you’re a LibraryThing reader who won a giveaway copy of After The Darkness Episode One, I will send you a Smashwords coupon by Wednesday, May 7, 2014.

SunHi Mistwalker writes fiction set in dystopic and post-apocalyptic worlds. Her new novel New Hope City, a dark coming-of-age story set in a post-apocalyptic America, follows the life of Sunni Brown, a teenage girl exploited by sex traffickers who tries to get a fresh start when she meets a disillusioned cop. She is also the author of the science fiction series After The Darkness. Please sign up for the mailing list for receive updates, freebies and special discounts. You can also follow SunHi on Twitter and Facebook.

Poverty As A Form of Social Control

17 Apr

One of my favorite themes to explore in post-apocalyptic fiction is social collapse and social control. I’m specifically interested in how poverty is used as a form of social control in dystopian societies. I’ve given this some thought and I’ve come to believe that in any society that has a social hierarchy, you will have some form of poverty and that this lack of access to resources is often used as a form of social control. Below I explore a few of my thoughts on this matter.

Difference Stands OutWhen we think of poverty we think of starvation, homelessness, living in unsafe neighborhoods and lacking the essential resources of life. But poverty can also mean a lack of access to channels of power, lack of status and lack of recognition. Poverty takes many shapes in both real and fictional worlds. Poverty is also relative and therefore a state of mind. Think about it: Someone living in a rural village where no one has electricity may have a different idea of what poverty is, while someone living in the US would immediately consider themselves poor if they were no longer able to afford their electric bill. In that sense poverty is relative. Now taking this idea a little further, outside of the basics such as food, water, shelter and relative safety, everything else we “need” is in fact a manufactured need. The electricity we need is there because so many things in our lives depend on it—the ability to keep our food fresh, to plug in our computers which some of us use for work, to charge our phones which we use to communicate.   When these necessities (including the basics) are unaffordable or scarce we experience poverty. Social control rears its ugly head when those people in power use their control of resources bolster their own personal power and/or to force others to make choices they wouldn’t normally make. If you can control a human being’s access to food, water, and sense of safety you can exert serious power over his decisions.

In my futuristic, dystopian novel New Hope City, a small, southern city is in a state of collapse. Most citizens struggle to get the basics such as food, water and shelter, and most live with the constant fear of losing what little they have. And because both crime and corruption go unchecked, most citizens live with an unrelenting sense of terror and desperation. It’s under these circumstances that the main character, Sunni Brown, tries to eke out a life. But because of her desperate circumstances she’s become easy pickings for those in power. It’s her poverty that allows her to be exploited. In New Hope City, the people in power profit from the suffering of others, so they have no incentive to improve the city’s living conditions.

In my science fiction serial “After The Darkness” I explore several themes, but one of them is the use of social status as a form of social money_controlcontrol. In this post-apocalyptic future, people are separated into “levels” with the highest levels having the most access to resources and the lowest levels have virtually no access. The people in power use social status to control the will of the people. In the beginning of the serial, the main character, Nadia, is stripped of her higher status and made to live at the bottom of society. This punishment is a warning to others who would dare to question the choices of the people in control. It’s this type of social control that allows the city leaders unchecked power to do horrendous things in the name of keeping order or honoring the sacrifices of their ancestors. By threatening their citizens with poverty and the loss of status they can make them bend to their will.

While I don’t believe that poverty as a form of social control renders any human being completely helpless, I do believe it leaves them with limited and very difficult choices. I’m looking forward to exploring this theme further in my future post-apocalyptic and dystopian fiction.

SunHi Mistwalker writes fiction set in dystopic and post-apocalyptic worlds. Her new novel New Hope City, a dark coming-of-age story set in a post-apocalyptic America, follows the life of Sunni Brown, a teenage girl exploited by sex traffickers who tries to get a fresh start when she meets a disillusioned cop. She is also the author of the science fiction series After The Darkness. Please sign up for the mailing list for receive updates, freebies and special discounts. You can also follow SunHi on Twitter and Facebook.

After The Darkness: Beta Reader Feedback Positive So Far

16 Apr

The sixth episode of After The Darkness is still out with some beta readers, but so far I’m receiving positive feedback. Once the remaining beta readers respond by the 18th, the ebook should be available by the beginning of May. In other news, I’m working on the sequel to New Hope City and another new standalone scifi novel. I look forward to releasing these books this year.  Have a good holiday this weekend!

SunHi Mistwalker writes fiction set in dystopic and post-apocalyptic worlds. Her new novel New Hope City, a dark coming-of-age story set in a post-apocalyptic America, follows the life of Sunni Brown, a teenage girl exploited by sex traffickers who tries to get a fresh start when she meets a disillusioned cop. She is also the author of the science fiction series After The Darkness. Please sign up for the mailing list for receive updates, freebies and special discounts. You can also follow SunHi on Twitter and Facebook.

After The Darkness: Episode Six Finally Done

19 Mar

I am finally done with After The Darkness: Episode Six and it will be going out to Beta Readers by next Friday. Please signup for the mailing list to receive a notification of when this episode is published.

SunHi Mistwalker writes fiction set in dystopic and post-apocalyptic worlds. Her new novel New Hope City, a dark coming-of-age story set in a post-apocalyptic America, follows the life of Sunni Brown, a teenage girl exploited by sex traffickers who tries to get a fresh start when she meets a disillusioned cop. She is also the author of the science fiction series After The Darkness. Please sign up for the mailing list for receive updates, freebies and special discounts. You can also follow SunHi on Twitter and Facebook.